Frequently asked questions

Got Appraisal Questions? Let us help you

We are happy to help clients with a variety of questions and needs surrounding appraisals and the plethora situations calling for quality appraisals.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find a few frequently asked questions. If you still have questions feel free to reach us via email or our contact page.

1When would I need an appraisal?

Most people only think about an appraisal when real estate is bought and sold. Many other reasons exist and would include:

a. To obtain a loan

b. To lower your tax burden

c. To establish the replacement cost of property for insurance purposes

d. To contest high property taxes

e. To Settle an estate

f. To provide a negotiating tool when purchasing real estate

g. To determine a reasonable price when selling real estate

h. You’re going through a divorce

i. To protect your rights in a condemnation case

j. The IRS has required it

k. You’re involved in a lawsuit

l. To get a complete value of your entire real estate portfolio if you have multiple properties.

2What is your service area?
We are currently set up to service Humboldt, Del Norte and Trinity counties. We are always looking to expand though! We will keep you posted when new counties come online, looking at you Shasta and Mendocino.
3What is the difference between an appraisal and a CMA or BPO?
Simply put, the difference is night and day. A CMA or BPO relies on vague market trends. The appraisal relies on specific, verifiable comparable sales. In addition, the appraisal looks at other factors like condition, location and construction costs. A CMA delivers a ''ball park figure.'' An appraisal delivers a defensible and carefully documented opinion of value.But the biggest difference is the person creating the report. A BPO is created by a real estate agent who may or may not have a true grasp of the market or valuation concepts. The appraisal is created by a licensed, certified professional who has made a career out of valuing properties. Further, the appraiser is an independent voice, with no vested interest in the value of a home, unlike the real estate agent, whose income is tied to the value of the home.
4Do you offer free consultations?
Yes! We totally understand that you will have questions and are more than happy to set up a totally free 15 minute phone or zoom consultation. Click here to schedule an appointment.
5Should I get an appraisal before I list my home for sale?
Absolutely, 100% yes! Your real estate agent’s income is tied directly to when and how much your house sells for. Commissions on a typical home around here for $500,000 typically are over $20,000, and can go upwards of $30,000! Yikes. For most people selling a home is the largest financial transaction of their lifetime. We are currently doing a $199 listing special that can generally be completed within 2 business days. Getting an unbiased opinion of value could help you immensely when dealing with agents, and gives you an entirely new perspective on your home.
6Can you do commercial properties?
Currently no, we only have clearance for residential properties. Like our service area though we are actively expanding, and expect to soon be able to add commercial properties to our portfolio!
7Can you do active or former cannabis farms?
Absolutely. We are aware of what is happening in the local cannabis market and the struggles that are now felt by people that are either wanting to leave it all together or simply get an accurate picture of what they own is currently worth on the market.
8How much is my home worth?
Well that's the question! Click here to email us or click here to schedule a free 15 minute phone or zoom consultation.